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Know Your Candidate

Know the Candidates

With this year’s presidential election approaching, U.S. citizens should study each candidate and learn what that candidate stands for. They should have an idea of how that candidate can better this country. With that being said, one would have to take part in vetting their information on a candidate before election day.

There are now seven remaining candidates running for presidency. Those seven consist of two democrats (Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders) and five republicans (Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, John Kasich and Marco Rubio).

The Candidates

Democratic party, Hillary Clinton is the wife of former President Bill Clinton. She graduated from Yale Law School. Following her graduation, Clinton took part in fighting for women’s rights, education for children with disabilities, healthcare access to all families, and lent a hand to poor families living in rural areas. Today, Clinton aspires to show more of a “commitment in supporting veterans”, fighting for racial equality, bettering education for every child, preventing gun violence, and so much more if she becomes president.

Republican party, Ted Cruz has served as a “Solicitor General for the state of Texas” and a lawyer in small law firm, also know as a private practice. If elected president, Cruz will strive to restore the rights of the constitution for both the country and its people, eliminate the Iran Deal, build a wall to stop illegal immigration, and much more.

Democratic party, Bernie Sanders graduated from the University of Chicago. While attending the university, Sanders led students in multiple sit-ins to fight against segregation. Following his graduation, Sanders took on the careers of a carpenter and filmmaker in Vermont. Later, he was elected mayor. During his time as mayor, the city of Vermont made it possible for “affordable housing, progressive taxation, environmental protection, child care, women’s rights, youth programs and the arts.” Following his mayoral role, Sanders was elected into congress. Today, Sanders aims to decrease college tuition, making it less of a debt sentence; improve rural areas; take part in climate change to help improve our planet; and much more if he is elected president.

Republican party, Donald Trump graduated from the Wharton School of Finance. He has been apart of the entertainment industry, wrote over fifteen bestselling books, and supported veteran-related events. Trump plans to improve the multitude and power of the U.S military, stop politicians from revising the 2nd Amendment, create borders to decrease and/or eliminate drugs in the U.S., and much more if he is elected president.

Republican party, John Kasich has been the “chair of the Budget Committee in Congress”, an author, and an investment banker. He is now the Governor of Ohio. In his position as governor, Kasich has played a part in getting Ohio out of debt and cut taxes by millions. If president, he aims to help those in dire need of assistance (children, elderly, needy families, the disabled, and those suffering from addictions). Kasich plans to support and encourage adoption, women’s health, and fighting for pro-life circumstances. Last but not least, Kasich plans to cut taxes by $5 billion, improving the economy and decreasing unemployment rates.

Republican party, Marco Rubio has been apart of the West Miami City commission, state politics, and Republican Charlie Crist for the Senate. If elected president of the United States, Rubio aspires to construct a new order of handling business when it concerns farmers and the government. By doing so, Rubio will be making it more beneficial to farmers (i.e. taxes) and their labor. He plans to help small business owners and the taxes they endure. In this process he plans to “establish a balance between worker and employer rights.” Rubio, also intends to help veterans and their education, while also revising the VA reform.

Before being accepted into college, Republican party, Ben Carson worked as a “school bus driver, bank teller, X-ray technician, supervisor for highway cleanup crews, and a crane operator in a steel factory.” After pursuing a job in the following careers, Carson attended The University of Michigan School of Medicine. Soon after graduating college, Carson pursued his career in Baltimore where he later successfully separated conjoined twins multiple times in his career. If elected president, Carson plans to make people aware of the dangers that revolve around online interactions. In doing so, he plans to create a “cyber system” that can help secure U.S. citizens safety from the dangers that surround online activity. Carson aims to make the educational environment a better one for not only children and parents, but for teachers.

The Citizens

CNN reported Ben Carson stating that his fear isn’t his opponents, it’s uneducated voters. Carson says, "I implore people to really inform yourself about who the candidates are, inform yourself of what their positions are.” When speaking with some people around the state of Mississippi, I noticed residences spoke knowledgeably about what they wanted their next president to stand for. They spoke in great detail of the qualities that person should have, and where they’d see us going as a nation when it concerned certain candidates.

Social Worker, Janice Elliby says she’s behind two candidates (Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders). Elliby says she’s pushing for Clinton because she thinks the U.S. needs a person that is willing to stand behind every race and gender. However, Elliby doesn’t support Donald Trump in this running. Though she hopes “America put’s him into a position of foreign affairs to talk to dignitaries,” Elliby says Trump does not have the character to uphold a presidential position.

Nissan Employee, Terrance McCall says rumors of Trump being in the lead, makes him turn away from this upcoming presidential election. McCall says he hasn’t followed up on other presidential candidates because he feels he’s only one person, and one person can’t change the fact that Trump is in the lead. Though McCall isn’t fund of the numbers, he strongly feels “someone with morals, and a good sense of direction on where they want to take the country” should hold a position in office. He says, that person should consider everyone’s problems, while keeping their ‘best interest at heart.’

With just a few months remaining until the official Presidential election, will you cast a vote that means something to you? Make sure you can by vetting your information on the candidates remaining in this year’s presidential run.

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